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Holi Messages

Holi Messages
Just like a red rose that fills the
world with beauty nd fragrance…
You have made my life so beautiful
by being in it. On Holi,
The festival of colors nd joy
I wanna say thank you for all the
love nd smiles..
You’ve brought to my life. Happy Holi


Holi festival is the time to lift the veil 
of anger and acrimony in relationships.
If I have been mean, bitter or fierce, 
I am sorry for it. This message is a reminder 
that I value and cherish our relationship.
Warm wishes of Holi from the bottom of my heart!


The colour:
Red symbolizes action, confidence, 
courage and vitality; Green symbolizes life, 
nature, fertility and well-being;
Blue symbolizes youth, spirituality, 
truth and peace. May God wet you with 
all the above colours in right proportions 
during this festival of Holi to lead a 
balanced life! Happy Holi!


As a kid, the full moon night 
before the Holi, we had a big bonfire 
in the middle of little Indian City, 
Next morning we will get up, 
make buckets of colored water, 
No one in the neighborhood will be 
spared from colors, When we ran out of 
the colors, mud, paint and coal tar, 
would cover our faces in the cheerful 
spirit of Holi festival.


Gulal - red, green, yellow and countless. 
A day's canvas - a riot of colors. 
Lively crowd running hither and thither, 
Rainbow of colors, dashing from every nook and corner. 
Disregarding their woe and despair fervent folks, 
rejoicing at the marvel of colors. 
A day filled with luster and gaiety, 
A day to smear our dreams- 
With a splash of vibrant frenzy colors. 
Holi Hai! A spring of unbounded fun and frolic!!


I am dreaming of playing with 
colors and gulal, It is the Holi 
celebration after all. 
I can't play inside my home, 
the carpets will get tainted, 
I cant' play it in the yard, 
the grass and outer walls 
will get painted. 
I thought I would go to the temple, 
and enjoy the traditional 
Holi festivities, Once again 
I am banned from playing with 
colors inside the temple, 
I can't play the drums and sing 
Holi hai outside, as the 
neighbors don't like the noise.


The trees smile with their sprout 
of tender leaves and blooming flowers, 
Eternal nature with its transient expression. 
Hails spring with ecstasy and joy! 
Bewildering shades with so many tinge. 
The land of beauty and greatness, 
India, witnessing color of happiness and peace. 
Nation come alive to enjoy the spirit 
A celebration of color- Holi! 
An experience of content, harmony and delight.


It is time for Holi and 
I hate being away from you all. 
My exams are close so I can 
not afford to meet you. 
I know you will miss me too. 
Mama, thank You very much for 
the excellent gujiyas that you 
couriered. My friends liked 
it a lot and are grateful to you. 
Hope to see you soon.


After our morning session, 
we came home to the big feast, 
All the puas, puris, pulav, 
meat and vegetable curries made 
our mouth water. In the evenings, 
we wore our new kurta and pajamas, 
went door to door, 
played gulal with young and old, 
everyone offered their best sweet treats, 
That was the real Holi, 
now it is only in my dreams.


I fondly remember the Holi 
we celebrated together. 
We had so much fun, having 
that bhang thandai for the 
first time. I remember Riti 
you gave me only one spoon 
of it and had a glass full 
for yourself. But I know you 
will never forget how much 
trouble you had later when you 
were not coming out of the 
bathroom. Wish we could have the 
same fun again.

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