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Valentine Day Poetry

Valentine Day Poetry
Very little love is lost in living.
A star can fill a universe with light,
Lasting not one second less for giving
Each of us the gift of its delight.
Nor do we love ourselves the less for loving,
Taking others’ pleasures for our own.
In love there is an ecstasy unmoving,
Neither more engaged nor less alone,
Eternal in its house of flesh and bone.


Vested in your heart is all my hope,
As I must hope that yours is all in mine.
Love both narrows and expands our scope,
Extending each to each as we combine.
Each is now both everything and none.
‘Twixt the self and selflessness lies passion.
So may we be twain and also one,
Destined for a fate that love will fashion.
As we exchange our vows this day of love,
Yet may they all our years within us move.


Vestibules are all one gets to see
As even self must grope through darkened rooms.
Love allows less light than one assumes,
Ever too constrained for clarity.
Nor does one find much light in ecstasy,
‘Tis neither more nor less than what one is
Staring back at one with alien eyes.
Deep beneath a flame that comes and goes
A darkness waits that’s neither hers nor his,
Yet is to share when both run out of lies.


I‘m lost in your dreams, during the days,
and coz of that ,i can‘t feel the sun‘s rays,
I‘m lost in your dreams, even at night,
and coz of that ,i can‘t see the moon light,
I‘m lost in your dreams, for months together,
and coz of that, i can‘t feel the changing weather,
So dear now i can‘t leave you coz,
Without U my life is “Blue“,.
Love you.


How simple to be happy here in heaven!
After all, one doesn’t want for much.
Passion finds its willing partner, ever
Pleased to please with a deft and tender touch.
All the beauty of the earth can only
Lead us to the edge of what is ours.
Etched into our love there is a message,
Not of now but of all time and place,
Telling of a truth beyond the passage
In which we move from mystery to grace.
Nor are there signs that such content can be
Except my love for you, and yours for me.


I miss you terribly this day of love,
Miss you with a wound that stabs and aches.
I see the love around me, and it takes
So much strength simply just to move.
Soon, soon, my love, this waiting will be done.
You and I will have what we desire.
On days like this we’ll sit beside the fire,
Undoing all the pain of days long gone.
Happy Valentines Day…………………….!


Love comes through the eyes that see
And through the ears that hear,
For people are quite beautiful,
And words make feelings clear.
Love comes through the tastes and smells
Of fresh and well-cooked food,
For in the gift of nourishment
Is much else that is good.
But though love comes through senses five,
Love comes from the heart,
For there resides the greater love
Of which ours is a part.
Wishing You a Happy Valentines Day.


My love is both a hunger and a giving,
A need to have and also to bestow,
A lavish lust for flesh and yet a yearning
For beauty as austere as polished stone.
I want more than my life your happiness,
And yet my happiness depends on you.
While like the sand I wait upon your sea.
So like and unlike, my love is doubly bonded,
The joys of giving and receiving joined.
This day of love it is my gift to you,
A heart you can consume yet keep forever.


One alone cannot make two,
But two alone can tally three.
If some find sums enough to do,
Some find some their ecstasy.
Yet do not add unless you love,
For greater sums require more,
And though in proof might pleasant prove,
In life might prove a lifelong chore.
Valentines ought best beware
Of multiplying much too soon.
While two might err, far more must bear
What didn’t add up one afternoon.


The day of love requires a companion,
But I find myself at this time all alone.
Words of sweet affection fill the morning
Like bells outside the windows of my room.
I don’t know why I don’t have someone with me.
I’ve loved and been loved through the restless years.
The mysteries of love I hold within me
Love does not require a companion.
It doesn’t need an object or a home.
It flies above the ecstasy of morning
And fills the universe inside my room.

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