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Valentine Day Messages

Valentine Day Messages
One can be a Valentine
Only if one will
Take one for oneself, and then
Let the heart be still.
Valentines are all in one:
Parent, child, friend,
Pet and plaything, counselor,
Nurse, guide, journey’s end.
Valentines are never perfect,
Though they patient prove.
What one can expect of them
Depends upon one’s love.


Value me for what I give you;
All the rest hold in your heart.
Life does not fulfill our wishes;
Even lifelong lovers part.
Now let yourself be lulled by kisses,
Take from the moment all that’s due;
Inter within what your heart misses,
Nor let what’s false destroy what’s true.
Enjoying love requires art.


V….is for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine
A… for I will Always be yours
L… for Love at its most extreme
E… for Everlasting love ; Ecstatic love.
N… for Never-ending love
T… for we will Always be Together forever
I… for you being Intelligent and Innocent;
N….is 4 Natures naughty way of saying I love you to
E… for Eternity our love is so ever lasting .


I wish you were my Valentine
Though I may not be yours,
And I may, in my ignorance,
Be speaking to closed doors.
I have no inkling of your heart,
No hint what you might say;
But when I think of you the sun
Will just not go away.
There is in you a loveliness
That makes my darkness shine,
And so I’ll wait, if wait I must,
To be your Valentine.


How much will love cause you to cry!
It will make you forget the whole world.
It will increase your anxiety;
You won’t know one moment of peace.
What people become in love and from what!
Sometimes you come together only to be separated.
Why does this happen in love?


Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
You are like a ocean,
And I am like your shores.
You are like an endless wave
And I your waiting sand.
And I will wait forever as
You come and smooth my hand.
I will wait forever, yet
You are a part of me.
I hold you in my arms, while you
Come to me endlessly.


Cupid has his bow and arrow
Aimed straight for you …
Don’t try to stop him
That will never do.
There is someone that loves you
In a very special way …
Wear your heart on your sleeve
On this special day.
Hearts are fluttering every where
Catch one if you dare …
Valentines day is for lovers
Show your love you care.


It will catch up to you
whether you want it to or not,
Make your heart swell
and tie it up in a knot.
You wont know what it is
but you’ll feel it inside.
Your feelings for this person
well up inside.
Then no matter how far
and no matter how near…
Each word or phrase she says,
You’ll always hold them dear.


If there were no words
No way to speak
I would still here you
If there were no tears
No it to feel inside
I would still feel for you
And even if the sun refuse to shine
Even if all ends ran out Love
I would still have you here
Until the end of time
All I need is you as my VALENTINE.


Be my Valentine, for I
Each day have thought of you.
My whole life couldn’t manage what
Your ready smile can do,
Vanquishing my loneliness
As though all light were new.
Let me be your Valentine
Even as you’re mine,
Needing what I have to give
That each might each define
In friendship and in harmony,
Now you, now I the melody,
Each helping each to shine.

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