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Promise Day Quotes

Promise Day Quotes
I promise one day you'll regret losing me
you'll look back and say,
'Dammn...dat guy really did love me.


"We promise according to our hopes,
and perform according to our fears"- 
Francois duc de la.


"Promise only what you can deliver.
Then deliver more than you promise..."


I promise to be there for you in 
all of your times of joy and sorrow 
I promise to support you no matter what... 
Happy Promise Day!


My Life’s Beautiful Words I Ever Read..
“”We promise according to our hopes,,
and perform according to our fears. “”
Happy Promise Day


I promise I’ll always with you..
and you know “A prince never lacks
legitimate reasons to break his promise.”
Happy promise Day.


You May Differnciate The Looser And Winner
Losers make promises they often break.
Winners make commitments they always keep.

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